Friday 4/3/09
Weight: 106.2lbs
Nutrition Goal:
133-143p/180-110c/31f (One Starch Day)
Nutrition Actual:139.4p/80.9c/38.2f
One starch/ Coc Oil and Almond Butter for fat today
(Fats rotate daily: coc oil/flax/salmon/Udo's)
Workout: Outdoor Start/Stop sprints, Burpee Long Jumps, Side Shuffles, Backward Lunges
Indoor Upper Body (photo was today) , 20 minutes intense in Summit Trainer/20min walk with incline. Stability Ball Ab Exercises.
The best part of today was working out with my new friend Samantha. It's so much easier to work out when you are sharing the experience with someone else. Its easier to push harder and a few good laughs go a long way when your muscles are burning. Thank you Sam for your time and for sharing your passion for living a healthy lifestyle.
Spoke with Jodi today and it looks like next week is my last week with dairy and coconut oil. Will be living in a sort of "nutritional box" for the last 4 weeks before show, decreasing my weigh training and increasing my cardio to create muscle separation...especially in my mid section. Everyone has their "trouble spot" and that's mine. Cardio increases to 6 X40mins next week. Staying on 1,2,3 starch rotation until next Friday. Thank God for GREEN TEA! Oh, and I did slip in a massage and Diet Red Bull today. Mmm...
This lifestyle is actually helping me get a lot more done and feel better than I normally would with moe freedom to indulge. Since I am intensely focused on adhering to a plan that creates clean, healthy habits I am finding that I am much more productive with my time in general. Less drifting aimlessly...more completion of tasks/ projects. Of course nobody is meant to live the pre-contest lifestyle for any long length of time...it's overly demanding and would drain the life out of someone if done for too long. But, right now the stategic, progressive process is creating a positive momentum in my life that is transfering over to so many other areas. Thank you God...please give me the grace to finish in a way that gives you glory.
Angela Sweet
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