At the beginning of this process I remember telling myself that I would "completely commit to whatever my coaches told me to do, without reservation or hesitation..." After all, Cathy and her staff are the top in the nation and have helped produce some of the best fitness models and athletes in the industry. Perhaps I was not aware that at some point my fleshly stubborn nature would kick in and I would try to do things "my way..."
Truth is...I should have been tracking my specific macro-nutrient details daily for the past several weeks. I have not...I've made proper menu plans which I have done very well with but all in all I have missed the boat when it comes to specificity. So, today when I checked in and was looking for very specific, dramatic changes I was very disapointed. Although I have made progress...being five and a half weeks away from gracing the stage this is not where I want to be. Why? Because I was lazy and thought I could skip "some" of the details and get the same results. WRONG. Lesson learned and I'm moving on.
So, I tracked every gram today of everything I put into my mouth and realized that...oh, I was quite off. LOL. Oops...
But- I corrected it and am committed to doing it the right way now. Thank you God for that humbling lesson. I pray that it will teach me to have more compassion toward my clients when they do not follow my directions completely. I will simply love on them and do my best to encourage positive changes.
Weigh in: 107.2lbs (-2lbs from last week)
Measured food and tracked appropriately...a 2 starch day with 133g protein/90g carbs/ 31g fat
Huh! It feels great to know that I am not guessing and that's what I really ate! Jodi is going to be so proud of me! (Jodi=The Savage girl nutritionist)LOL
My husband had pizza and I wanted it reallllllly bad. And, there were several yummy things speaking to me at the grocery store. What-you didn't hear it? Hmm, that's wierd it seemed very loud.LOL Didn't do it!
100+ oz/ water
Forgot vitamins...):
Can't take in evening or I won't sleep. Oops.
Did light upper body workout from February Savage series
Did 20+ min workout outside walk followed by intense Hay street hill sprints. My time has improved dramatically from last week. Personal record was 15 seconds...decreased to 12 seconds today! Woo-hoo
Practiced T-walk for 20 minutes. There was one time early on I thought my ankle was going to snap...but it didn't! I am FINALLY getting the "hang of it!" I feel really tall and sexy now that I am not stumbling everywhere! I just keep telling myself...okay, don't LAUGH!
I pretend that I am Angelina Jolie in the movie Wanted. She is so flippin' mysterious and her movements are so gazelle makes me walk better! I heard that Beyonce has a stage personality she channels named Sheila or something like that to make her lose her injhibitions and have more stage presence. works! Try it! LOL
God Bless You! Thanks for listening!