Whew! It's been a busy couple of weeks! The Washington DC Bikini Universe Capitol show went very well. I didn't get last place and I didn't fall down on stage...actually, I placed 7th/12 in my height division. For being my very first competition I am very pleased.
The show was actually fun after I had a bit of an emotional melt-down right after my first walk on stage. It was as though all of what I had practiced was there but the overwhelm of the lights, audience, action and chaos made me a bit shaky. Then, I listened to some worship music and my second walk was a lot better! In the end it was a great release and a very fun experience...the Savage team is amazing and so REAL!
LOVED going to the Cheesecake Factory that night! Nachos, chips, chips, more chips, crispy crab wontons and some outrageous dessert. Thought I would be sick but I wasn't. I felt fabulous and my abs actually "popped" while we were standing outside the restaurant afterward waiting for the valet parking guy...go figure!
Next, we (myself, Shawn, Aiden and Alynn) took an awesome mini-vacation to the beach to catch up on some much needed focused family bonding time...it was amazing. Turned the cell phone off and put the fun hat on! I walked on the beach alone right after the sun came up each day and had long talks with God. I've been walking through a lot of temptation...experiencing some tests that determine which roads I am going to take with my fitness modeling career. Undeniably, his voice is heard and I know that I am meant to stay all natural and use my testimony to help other women...especially young women. It was so nice to take a break and I would really be suffering right now if we had not.
It's a push right now as Universe is 24 days away and I have a photo shoot with Lisa Brewer next Monday. But... my priorities are in a great place. I feel very grounded as a few of the other competitors and I have been doing a weekly bible study to keep our hearts and minds focused on God through this process. Because, in the end...
1 Peter 1:24-25
"All flesh is like grass, And all of man's glory like the flower in the grass. The grass withers, and its flower falls; But the Lord's word endures forever." This is the word of good news which was preached to you.
God Bless you and have a fabulous day!
Angela Sweet
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