Monday, March 30, 2009

3.30.09 Accountability Report

-Followed Nutritionist Recommended Eating Plan
(Clean Proteins/ Green veggies/One starch/ One fruit)

-Completed Custom Savage Workout (Whew!)

-Completed 40 minutes cardio- 10min intense jog/sprint intervals, 10min jump rope, bench jump and mountain climber intervals, finished with 20 minute walk on incline.

-Practiced T Walk/posing for show in 6" heels-20 Minutes
(Who the hack came up with 6" heels anyway! I'll bet it was a MAN!)

-Prepped meals for tomorrow while trying not to drool over my husband's "Pizza Bites!"LOL

"The spirit to win and the will to excel is always measured on stroke at a time."

Thanks for holding me accountable! It's one thing to have a dream and another to follow through when given the chance!

Angela Sweet
Ms. Bikini Universe 2009

1 comment:

  1. angela, i cannot wait for another savage session, i bet you're rocking your T walk, i need help on that, well and of course the splits that will never happen :)

    i'm back on 3 starches today, thank goodness :)
