Some times God changes out plans. My plans have changed. I did well at the Fitness Atlantic this past April and had every intention to compete at the Figure America Show this coming November but as of now, will not be. In June I injured my right leg. I strained my "Sartorius" muscle by "going too heavy too fast" with a few new exercises. Lesson learned. It is now August 11th and I am finally able to do light cardio and leg workouts with only minor pain. It is improving, and for this I am VERY grateful!!! The break, all in all, has been good to me.
I trust in the Lord and how he has used this adversity to clean out some "selfish junk" in my heart. He has reminded me that my job in the sport of Figure is to do my best to be the "salt and the light," and serve him in the midst of a flesh focused atmosphere. After the success in April my competitive side kicked in and the pursuit became more about winning.
So, here I am. I have made some changes and am now starting my day with HIM first! Quiet time with the Lord BEFORE am cardio, workouts, nutrition planning or anything else. I must wear the armor of God and allow him to guide my heart FIRST thing before taking actions in outside of my spirit each morning if I expect to keep a clear perspective and make a difference for his kingdom. I am grateful for this lesson.
Change always happens one day at a time.
God Bless You.
" So trust in the Lord (commit yourself to Him, lean on Him, hope confidently in Him) forever; for the Lord God is an everlasting Rock. Isaiah 26: 4